Hi Team,
We have configured Fiori Launchpad in our landscape and its working as expected in all devices/browsers.
Step 1: Load the URL https://sapxxx.com/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/Fiorilaunchpad.html
Step 2: Enter the credentials
Step 3: We will see the Fiori Laucnhpad home screen
Step 4: To bookmark Fiori Launchpad URL, When we click on "Add To Home Screen" from iOS devices, Favorite icon is not displaying correctly Favorite icon is not working in mobile Devices
Step 5: SAP Suggested us to do the below to fix it
"In order to enable the proper icon loading, the following path should be changed to not-password protected, these URI's are present in Fiorilaunchpad.html"
How to achieve this?
This issue is pending from long time. Can any one provide your inputs?