Hi all,
I´ve changed the aggregation mode between DataSource and Target DSO from "Overwrite" to "Summation" to load the actual data (value type 10) correctly per Delta DTP in the DSO.
Target DSO after switch between Overwrite to Summation aggregation - Correct Actual Data based on the source DataSource:
But I´m still not able ot load the plan data (value type 20) correctly (regarding to the summation of source data from PSA-Table) in the target DSO per Delta or Full DTP before old plan data requests are still in the DSO.
What are the best practices for such a scenario? Seperate the data flow and load actual and plan data in two seperate DSOs and Cubes? So, it´s possible to delete the old DSO and Cube Content with plan data before the next load of plan data will start.
Thanks in advance and best regards,