Please read
You must never delete individual executables, files or directories to uninstall the SAP MaxDB software. The uninstalling of the database must be controlled by the software using SDBUNINST or SDBSETUP.
For more details about this procedure, refer to SAP Note 599129 ("Uninstalling SAP MaxDB/SAP DB software using SDBUNINST").
If you are using the database in a cluster environment, you must refer to SAP Note 1156746 for more information about uninstalling.
As of SAP NetWeaver Release 7.00, you can also use SAP tools to uninstall the entire SAP system. SDBUNINST is called using SAPINST. This uninstalling process implicitly includes the SAP MaxDB database.
In this case, you can use the user input to control what the system is to delete:
- only users from the database
- the database and the user (the database software remains in this case)
- everything including the database software
While deleting the entire database including the database software, if you notice that another database also belongs to a software, the system automatically does not remove any software.
If an error occurs, you can use the following logs to perform an analysis:
- sapinst_dev.log
- sapinst_dev.*.log
Read SAPnote: 599129 - Uninstalling SAP MaxDB/SAP DB software using SDBUNINST