Greeting all,
I would like to convert an existing webform based reporting application to Appeon.
I have had it running for several years and it works fine except for the fact that we are upgrading our browsers to IE 11, so I have to attend to this.
The code below shows that I am using MapVirtualPath to keep track of where I am saving the file for each user in their session directory.
How does this work in Appeon? Do I do a simple SAVEAS and Appeon automatically keeps track of where the file is so I can add it as an attachment?
Also, am I prevented from using DOTNET code to send the email and must I use Roland's code (not that I have a problem with it, Roland ) or can I continue to deploy system.dll and keep this code in place?
Also, are there other advantages where maybe now in Appeon, I can saveas excel and not lose my calculated fields (which I hate) and not have to save the file as HTML?
Can I offer up a download dialogue so the user can simply click to save the document on their desktop?
Thanks all!!
string user
user = left(email, (pos(email, "@")-1))
string filename
string filepathname
#if defined PBWEBFORM then
filepathname = MapVirtualPath("c:\OnDemand Comp 1-3 Report For-" + account + ".xls")
filename = "c:\OnDemand Comp 1-3 Report For-" + account + ".xls"
long returncode
returncode = dw_2.saveas(filename,HTMLTable! ,true)
if returncode = 1 then
string ToAddress2
ToAddress2 = email
string bodytext
bodytext = 'Dear Valued XXX Customer, ' + '~r~n' + '~r~n' + 'Please find attached the requested trip report in Microsoft Excel format.' + '~r~n' + '~r~n' + 'Thank you,' + '~r~n' + '~r~n' + 'XXX Billing Operations' + '~r~n' + '1-XXX'
string sStartDate
sStartDate = string(start_date, "MM/DD/YYYY")
sStartDate = left(sStartDate,2) + "-" + mid(sStartDate,4,2) + "-" + right(sStartDate,4)
string sEndDate
sEndDate = string(end_date, "MM/DD/YYYY")
sEndDate = left(sEndDate,2) + "-" + mid(sEndDate,4,2) + "-" + right(sEndDate,4)
string subject
subject = 'XXX Customer Report for Account ' + account + ' for Dates: ' + sStartDate + " To " + sEndDate
string fromaddresstext
fromaddresstext = ""
// #if defined PBWEBFORM then
System.Net.mail.MailMessage message
message = create System.Net.mail.MailMessage
message.subject = subject
message.body = bodytext
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress fromaddress
fromaddress = create System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("", "XXX Billing Operations")
message.From = fromAddress
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress toaddress
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attach
attach = create System.Net.Mail.Attachment(filepathname,"application/xls")
Helper.Mail.AddAttachment(message, attach);
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpclient
smtpclient = create System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient = ""
smtpclient.port = 25
mle_1.text = "The Excel Export was sent to " + email
mle_1.text = "Sorry, there was a problem generating the file."
end if
#end if