Thanks for all of the answers, but I still can't the programming to work.
With some MINOR changes, this is the actual programming below
nvo_ole lnvo_ole
for lp = 1 to filecount
if isValid( lnvo_ole)=False then
lnvo_ole = Create nvo_ole
io_ole = Create OleObject // this is in a function call, io_ole is an instance variable in the nvo
io_ole.ConnectToNewObject( "Excel.Application" ) // in the same function call as above
end if
lnvo_ole.io_ole.ConnectToObject( fileName[ lp ] // function call in the nvo
... Read the Excel file and move data into a datastore // this works correctly
// this line throws an error, which I trapped with Catch Try
// error is Name not found accessing external object property activeworkbook...
// lnvo_ole.ActiveWorkBook.Close()
// this line throws an error, which I trapped
// error is Name not found accessing external object property application...
// lnvo_ole.io_ole.Application.Quit()
lnvo_ole.io_ole.Disconnect() // nvo function call
// tried this, but it still doesn't work, i get the same data as the first file
Destroy lnvo_ole