Hello All,
I need a little help with a ABAP Routine.
In my point of view it is simple, but as my ABAP knowledge is a few poor, I need some help with the code.
I have a field called Document Reference (DOC_REF) and this field receives through a transformation rule values from two other fields: NUMNF (with 9 characters) and SERIE (with 4 characters).
In this moment I need to apply a routine that will concatenate these two values in only one converting to an specific format. Example:
NUMNF = 000001234
SERIE = 0001
Output result DOC_REF = 1234-1
This routine must concatenate the two values, putting a "-" between them. All the zeros to the left of the both values must be removed.
There is an important point concerning the field SERIE, because it must to consider all the values, not only the last one. Examples:
NUMNF = 000001234
SERIE = 0021
DOC_REF = 1234-21
NUMNF = 000051234
SERIE = 0521
DOC_REF = 51234-521
NUMNF = 000871234
SERIE = 9521
DOC_REF = 871234-9521
Could you please help me with this ABAP code?
Thank you.