Hi All,
I'm trying to convert a JSON String into ABAP structure using 'deserialize' method of class 'cl_trex_json_deserializer'
Here is the JSON String which I want to convert into ABAP structure
json_response = {"token":"sometokenstring","token_type":"sometokentypestring","key":"somekeystring"}
and below is the code
types: begin of ty_stru,
token type string,
token_type type string,
key type string,
end of ty_stru.
data: out TYPE ty_stru,
lr_json_deserializer TYPE REF TO cl_trex_json_deserializer.
CREATE OBJECT lr_json_deserializer.
lr_json_deserializer->deserialize( EXPORTING json = json_response IMPORTING abap = out).
when I run this code I'm getting CX_TREX_SERIALIZATION exception
Could you help me fix this
Thank you