Hi guys,
We still having issues with this.
We have achieved the following progress:
- Update the SMP Server to the Patch Level 04 of 3.09
- Update the SDK to the Patch Level 08 of 3.10
- Connect the mobile device first to a reverse proxy (SAP Web dispatcher), and then the proxy to the SMP server.
- Make successful GET and POST requests against offline store.
However, now we have an error when we try to send the local changes to the backend using the function flush of the Kapsel local store object.
In the mobile application, we get successful flushStoreSuccessCallback event, but in the SMP server, we get the next error.
#2.0#2015-12-18 10:54:01 PM#ERROR#RequestResponse#501##Proxy#1450457639219184#4c72391b-a543-11e5-8000-d1a77c5815dc#com.aoems.test#com.sap.mobile.platform.server.proxy.core.handler.DirectProxy:prepareResponse#emaldonado#######512#####Response code from backend is 501 for request null#
Our POST request is next:
The POST request made against the entity CustomerSet, who has a navigation property to the entity PhoneSet. Therefore, we are trying to make a Deep Insert. If we made the request in online mode, it works fine.
The error on SAP Gateway is next:
error":{"code":"||/IWBEP/CM_MGW_RT||/021","message":||{"lang":"es","va||lue":"Method 'CU||STOMERSET_CREATE||_ENTITY' not imp||lemented in data|| provider class.||"}
Could somebody please help us to solve the issue?
Best regards,