Re: Internal table
When you are performing something workarea wise (here write) then it is essential that workarea to be assigned to the internal table.Second point is: MTART belongs to a domain which is 4char long, so...
View ArticleRe: Table: ANLB Field: NDJAR (Month) Assets
Hi Jose, You have to maintain the useful life in years in that field. However, you can maintain the asset useful life in years and months. For months you have to use the field NDPER. Regards,Mukthar
View ArticleRe: Master and Transaction Data Load
Hi Mohith, Delete error request and re execute DTP it will work finesome time i will happen like that. Even though if you are getting same problem ? Check the source file?check Data sourcecheck RFC...
View ArticleRe: ESS Address Overview screen based on subtype
Thanks for your response Siddharth! I have achieved the above requirement by creating a post exit to GET_DATA method of CL_HRESS_PER_OVERVIEW class, where visibility of fields based on subtype, are...
View ArticleRe: Connecting WebDispatcher with SOLMAN- Technical Monitoring
Hi Americo, I have review these notes but not notes are not work on web dispatcher.1 note 1890700 is based on ABAP scenario2. 1939330 note's error is different then mine (its not authorization issue)....
View Articlehow to change database in BO 4.1 Platfom
Dear All, I installed BO 4.1 platform with oracle 11g in the server, however, our clients wanted to change the database server. What should I do? Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Connecting WebDispatcher with SOLMAN- Technical Monitoring
Web Dispatcher not using SAPstartsrv for starting..
View ArticleRe: Unable add comment notes in BI Portal
Dear All, Any help? Thanks beforehand. Regards,Harry
View ArticleRe: Installation error in create database phase.
hi Thanut ,Please also check listener.ora file to check if oracle_home is pointing to right location. Best regards,James
View ArticleRe: Dropdown change displayed selection value
Hi Severin, For your reference, 2193693 - Limitations of the Design Studio Property Binding Feature Best regards,Alfred
View Articleform type TPD not updated when creating sale order through BAPI
Dear Experts Whenever i create sale order through VA01,field FORM TYPE( TPD ) is automatically picked by system. But whenever i create sale order through BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2, it is not...
View ArticleRe: Error Login SSO Dashboard BO That Using Webi.
Do you have STS setup according to this link?:- I some how feel that BW SSO is not working correctly. i suspect that its getting...
View ArticleRe: How to decrease the size of the SIDLOG1 file in a production server?
Hi, We can perform shrink of the file with either of the two options Under SQL Management studio Right-click on the database and choose ' Tasks - Shrink - Files' Change the "File Type" to " Log"...
View ArticleRe: Error Could not open the app. Try again later. SAP FIORI
Hi Alexandre, I pointed out before the app URL "/sap/opu/odata/sap/zfiori_srv/" is wrong. Please double check.Also check the SP level and SAPUI5 library version.SAP Fiori - UI Add-on SP14 notes list,...
View ArticleRe: Fortnightly sum to display
Hi, excuse My ignorante but what's a fortnightly calculation?Regards,Rogerio
View ArticleEOIO Dynamic Queue
Hi Experts, We are working on SAP PO 7.4 SP11. Standard EOIO configuration in PI used hardcoded queue name. This mean only one queue will be used for that interface. This limitation has been...
View ArticleRe: What is Request is Ready for Import again.
Hello NewB, There is a legend button on STMS Import Queue screen. All statuses are as follows.Ready for import again means if you want you can import that request again. In need it is useful. For your...
View ArticleRe: Posting more than 999 line items in Simple Finance
No. In a ACDOCA, the line item number can have more than 1000 but BSEG is still update from fb01 posting. So you cannot input more than 1000 items. But you can input the journal entries that have more...
View ArticleRe: Fbl1n Vendor name Not showing fully.
1. Append Structures RFPOS/RFPOSX with an additional field 2. In BTE 00001650 fill field with value from ADRC
View ArticleRe: LIVE Cache Consistency check for Stocks is dumping SQL error
Hi Vinay Do CCR for the stocks check any characteristics are missing in stocks . also check in OM16 whether they exists in LC. Let us know the result RegardsVirender
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