Hi Gurus,
If a characteristic is evaluated with the SPC setup ,The standard SAP provides the defect notification for the action limits. Suppose the spec limits for Height(MIC) Lower spec Limit: 10 and Upper spec Limit: 30, In the control chart we defined the action limits as Lower action limit as 12 and Upper action limit as 27, warning limits as lower warning limit as 14 and Upper warning limit as 25, In standard SAP , when the result value is in between spec limit and control limit , it generates a defect notification, even though it is with in the spec limits, since it is out of the action limits, The same way if a result value is in between action limit and warning limit, i want to generate a defect notification. so , in short genearting a defect notification if it exceeds warning limits.
would you please let me know How this could be possible? is there any standard configuration or how should we customize this?