Hi All,
We were doing a reload to 0IC_C03 inventory cube.
Following steps have been followed:
1. Initialization of stock using 2LIS_03_BX and compression with marker update. (Check box unchecked)
2. Init with data transfer using 2LIS_03_BF and compression without marker update. (Check box checked)
These two steps were performed yesterday (i.e. 28.10.2015 ) and the stock data was available in the report till 28th Oct in sync with R/3.
Today we pulled the delta and it brought 0 records, we have compressed this request with marker update.
But when I am trying to check the stock for today its not showing any thing.
Question: As per my understanding this delta request should have update the Validity table for today's date and the report should have displayed the same stock(as yesterday) for calday = 29.10.2015 as no changes were brought by delta load.
Can some one please help in clarifying if my understanding about the update of validity table with delta request of 0 record is correct or not?
In case its correct why I am unable to see the same in report?
Help and suggestions are much appreciated .
Thanks in advance!!